The Breakwater School Early Childhood Division provides a developmentally responsive program that serves young children through play based, emergent curriculum rooted in celebrating the natural world. Inspired by the best practices of Reggio Emilia and grounded in intentional, integrated and researched based teaching, this is the "Breakwater Way" for our youngest friends. We are a community of children, parents, and teachers who are partners in a journey of learning. We value parents as a child’s first teachers, and we welcome their involvement in the classroom.
Snapshot of
Toddler Program
Age range: 18 - 36 months
*Children must by 18 months old by their first day of school
Maximum class size: 10
Teacher/student ratio: 1:5
5 full days* (8am-3pm)
5 half days (8am-12pm)
*5 days: 8 am- 3 pm Monday through Thursday, 8-1:30 on Fridays
AfterCare is available
Time Outdoors:
-Average of 3 1/2 hours daily during warmer months
-Average of 2 hours daily during cooler months
Snapshot of Preschool Program
Age range: 3 - 5 years
*Children must be 3 years old by October 15th
Maximum class size: 14
Teacher/student ratio: 1:7
5 full days* (8am-3pm)
5 half days (8am-12pm)
*5 days 8 am- 3 pm Monday through Thursday, 8-1:30 on Fridays
AfterCare is available
Time Outdoors:
- Average of 3 1/4 hours daily during warmer months
- Average of 2 1/2 hours daily during cooler months
Curriculum Values
Throughout Breakwater, we affirm the integrity of childhood by placing high value on play. In early childhood, it is the cornerstone of our approach to learning. Research has shown that young children process new skills best during hands-on and interactive experiences within play. Therefore, a play-based curriculum provides the most optimal outcomes for growth and development with opportunities to actively pose problems, explore solutions, and develop an understanding of real-world concepts.
The role of the teacher in play-based education is not passive. Through diligent observation, planning, and strategies to enhance children’s play experiences, teachers integrate specific learning goals and objectives for the group and individuals and capitalize on emerging interests to create learning opportunities.
For resources and research on play-based education, visit Harvard University's Center for the Developing Child or the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
The Natural World
At Breakwater, we go outside—a lot. And we bring the outside indoors. Our early childhood teachers facilitate connection with the natural world every day, providing children rich opportunities to listen, look, question, feel, guess, discuss, and love the things they find all around them. Exploring nature through play, particularly outdoors, provides endless opportunities for growing and learning in a boundless environment.
We believe that access to the outdoors is fundamental to growth and well-being. Nature play at Breakwater follows this intrinsic pathway to developing imaginative and creative thinking abilities, empathy, independence, acceptance of diversity, self-regulation, mindfulness, physical stamina, locomotor practice, improved receptive and expressive language, healthy risk-taking, and collaboration skills by providing both unstructured and intentional nature-based learning experiences. Everyday.
A healthy identity is the cornerstone of children’s learning, development, and well-being. Children learn about themselves and construct their own identities within the context of interpersonal relationships. Our curriculum is founded on fostering high-quality, long-term relationships for young children. Our looping structure embeds opportunities to play and learn with children of other ages. We know that in order to embrace one's whole being and realize one’s potential, children need opportunities to interact with a rich and varied community of peers of different ages and experiences. While our specific classrooms will be single-age, the two toddler classrooms spend time together daily on the toddler playground. Our two preschool classrooms also shares this model.
Our Early Childhood Division provides daily dedicated time for children in more specific developmental and multi-age designed groupings. This practice vertically aligns with our Elementary and Middle School programs, where students move back and forth between leveled group work and multi-age experiences, creating opportunities to build stronger bonds with peers, practice handling conflicts with others, and have a greater sense of identity with their class and community.