September Outdoor Adventures

The start of this new school year during the current pandemic has brought an increased appreciation of Breakwater's value of and access to the outdoors. Although we have always treasured places like the Jessielands, Fore River Sanctuary, Sari's Garden, and Nason's Corner park, we have utilized them like never before in the first month of school. Music, Spanish, and morning meetings and lessons have often times taken place under one of our tents, toddlers have spent their entire mornings in their playground spaces seeing a lot more of the 'big kids' from over the fence, and our K-8th grade students have been spending a full day each week under the trees at the Jessielands in Cumberland.

For our youngest friends, Toddler teacher, Danielle Gorman, remarks “we have literally moved our entire morning outdoors. Previously during these first weeks of school, snacks and lunches would have been inside. Now we consider our indoor space, literally just our napping/toileting space.” Toddlers spend their mornings on their playground, the Fore River Sanctuary, or in the garden and have gotten to experience many different terrains and sensory experiences. Toddler teacher Erica shares that “the toddlers love seeing the many creatures that live on the playground, such as bees, caterpillars and ladybugs.” In this time where parts of our school day feel so different and we feel so separated from each other, the toddlers have noticed that they have gotten to see more of their fellow schoolmates and other teachers! With increased time spent outside and more teachers stopping by to say hello as they travel between outdoor spaces and buildings, Danielle notes that “the toddlers feel more integrated into the Breakwater community….. We see more of the school and what everyone is up to now more than ever before.”

During their weekly trips to the Jessielands, K-8 students adapt their classroom routines and lessons to their forest classroom and get an extended science and adventure lesson with Fitz in the woods! The Jessie Bullens-Crewe Nature Preserve, more commonly known as the Jessielands, has been a part of Breakwater since 1997. When then Breakwater student Jessie passed away from cancer, her family donated a 21 acre nature preserve in her memory to Breakwater in honor of Jessie’s love of the outdoors. Since then, Breakwater students have ventured to the Jessielands for class field trips, as part of Earth Week, and as part of summer camp programs. Breakwater has taken advantage of the Jessielands now more than ever before this year and it has been magical to see students exploring this place every day. Science and Adventure teacher Fitz, has gotten to spend everyday at Jessielands leading our science and adventure program in addition to playing, building, exploring, teaching, and learning alongside our K-8 teachers and students. Read more about what he had to say below

What has been the most special part of spending full days at the Jessielands so far?

The JessieLand was gifted to Breakwater's care so long ago with the intent of children playing, laughing and learning amongst the trees and streams. Never in the history of Breakwater has this very special place lived up to it's creators' intentions as it has this year. To know that we are doing what is best for the planet, our students, ourselves and the memory of Jessie is truly special. Jessie laughed and caught frogs 30 years ago by the same stream that these children are laughing and catching frogs at today and every day this year!

What sort of projects are you able to take advantage of with full (or nearly full) science and adventure days?

The highlight for the kids and adults has been "sit spots." Each kid has their own space in the JessieLand that they steward and study. 1st and 2nd graders each have their own special tree close by the play area while 7/8 have been given a near 10 acre range to choose theirs from. Every week we visit these places to learn, reflect and observe. 

Another highlight has been school in the woods. Every group that comes out has literacy or math lessons just as they would at Breakwater. This keeps the kids routine in place and allows for a deeper utilization of and connection to our space as we read in the shade of an ancient birch or measure out the distance of the trails

What is a memorable notable quotable from a teacher or a student?

"I love the quiet that is disturbed by the wind in the leaves"

"I made friends with a frog like Jessie!"

"Leaning back against a tree and closing my eyes was amazing, why isn't everyone doing that all the time?"

"Nature, and the sounds of birds chirping and the wind makes me calm"

"This tree is a veterinarian's office!"

"I love my spot!, would you like to see it?"

"I didn't think I could be alone in the woods and not scared"

But my favorite by far is still

"What's that?"

What do you hope for students to take away from the Jessielands?

I truly hope the children take away a deeper connection to our world and the beautiful places in it. It's not hard to inspire wonder in children that have the ability to look around them with open eyes. Wonder is the greatest teacher a person could ever have. Wonder will push you to grow, connect, reflect, engage and challenge yourself. Wonder is the skill I hope the children walk away with. A better understanding of our natural world and the processes/things in it is a close second.

Anything else you would like to share?

For years I've felt a strong connection to the JessieLand and have made it a point to get kids out there at every chance. To really know a place and feel connected to it is a powerful thing.  Everyday I get to go to this special place that I love, that was created because of love. I've come to know the resident squirrels and flowers and they know me. Everyday Randy comes to greet me in the morning and comes down his tree to see what mischief the kids have been up to in his backyard after the kids leave. I can't describe the feeling to be connected to such a special place. What's more is that everyday this place grows in love because of the incredible human beings that fill it with laughter, curiosity and most importantly wonder.

Thank you Breakwater for stepping into the woods!