Welcome to Our Digital Application Page for Elementary (1st-4th grade)
As students journey through the elementary program, and early and middle childhood, they are increasingly asked to reflect upon their experiences and to draw conclusions about their learning style, pace, and progress. We believe children, parents, and teachers are active partners in the learning process, and our approach reflects a strong focus on developing collaborative relationships with our students and their families. We work with each child to support the growth of good work habits, such as the ability to concentrate, follow directions, and see a task through to completion.
In each of our close-knit, multi-age classrooms, students spend two consecutive years developing strong, trusting relationships with their teachers and peers. Older children are empowered to act as positive role models who help younger students adjust to the expectations and routines of their new grade. In a multi-age setting, students discover how different types of people and learners come together to create diverse yet cohesive communities.
Admissions decisions are made in compliance with local, federal, and state nondiscrimination laws and regulations without regard to race, gender, color, religion, physical or mental disability, ancestry, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, or national origin.
The below forms and steps are required when applying to elementary school at Breakwater. Applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis as space allows. Should you have any additional questions about the application process or would like to request a paper application please email Director of Enrollment, Molly Tucker
A Completed Application Includes
1) Informational Conversation with Director of Enrollment
Email mtucker@breakwaterschool.org to set up an informational meeting. Please note that group admissions events or Come Learn visits do not replace a one on one informational conversation
2) Admissions Application and Parent Questionnaire
To complete, click here
3) Student Questionnaire
To complete, click here. Applicants may answer questions with adult support if needed
4) Photocopy of current and previous year’s school reports, report cards, and other assessments
To complete this step click here
5) Student Evaluation from Current Teacher
Please have the applicant’s current teacher complete the evaluation by clicking here
6) Student Meeting with BWS Teacher, Classroom Visit
Director of Enrollment will schedule the meeting once steps 1-5 have been completed
7) Conversation between Breakwater and current teacher at sending school via telephone or video conference
Breakwater may waive this requirement
Optional Campus Tour
We know that stepping foot on our campus can provide the visual and feel you need when deciding where to send your child to school. Campus tours may be limited to families who have already started the application process.